This paper (in German language, English translation added in the link) examines the possibility to use artificial intelligence (ai) and open source intelligence (osint) to explore cultural fault-lines of social communities affected by conflict.
Bibliographical information: Kolb, Dirk / Starz, Philipp / Bresinsky, Markus / Strahl, Tobias: Kultur, Konflikt, künstliche Intelligenz. Prävention von Konflikten im interdisziplinären Ansatz. In: CPM Forum für Rüstung, Streitkräfte und Sicherheit, 3/2022, S. 51-60.
Download the full article as PDF-file (in German language): Kultur, Konflikt, künstliche Intelligenz…
Download the English translation of the full article: Culture, Conflict, Artificial Intelligence – an Interdisciplinary Approach for Conflict Prevention and Analysis.