von Tobias Strahl | Nov. 30, 2023 | Blog
A trail to the past – on time, heritage and heirs By Tobias Strahl, November 2023. The third tunnel on the track lies hidden in the forest. To me it gives the impression of rather a door, a portal, than a tunnel of a railway which had vanished half a century ago. I...
von Tobias Strahl | Mai 17, 2023 | Blog
Springlife Rising By Tobias Strahl, May 2023. As if I was reborn myself I am wandering the Bosnian mountains – and that is more than a metaphor as everyone knows who has experienced the grace of being able to be active in physical, intellectual and spiritual...
von Tobias Strahl | Apr. 26, 2023 | Blog
Change of Scene By Tobias Strahl, April 2023. We reach the village of Sjenokos over a forest road which began where the asphalt road ended. Not many people live here anymore. The special way of living, earning a livelihood, making plans for the future, which was the...
von Tobias Strahl | Okt. 13, 2022 | Journalistic Works
On how Russia destroys Ukraine and its cultural heritage in a genocidal aim; a comparison to the Bosnian War (in German language). Bibliographical information: Strahl, Tobias: Neuer Krieg nach altem Drehbuch. Wie Russland die Ukraine und ihr Kulturerbe zerstört. In:...
von Tobias Strahl | Okt. 13, 2022 | Journalistic Works
Some experiences and reflections from Afghanistan and on our society on the backdrop of the failure of the Afghanistan mission (in German language). Bibliographical information: Strahl, Tobias: Der Preis, den andere zahlen. Ohnmacht und Umgang mit Verantwortung...
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