von Tobias Strahl | Okt. 13, 2022 | Journalistic Works
Text by Torsten Klaus, images by Tobias Strahl; on the massacre of Srebrenica, the artist Safet Zec, attrocities of the Bosnien War, the Genocide against the Bosnian Muslims (in German language). Bibliographical information: Klaus, Torsten: Im Herz der Finsternis. Die...
von Tobias Strahl | Okt. 13, 2022 | Journalistic Works
Text by Torsten Klaus, images by Tobias Strahl; on the aftermath of the war in Bosnia, the destiny of children and the Museum of the Childhood in War (in German language). Bibliographical information: Klaus, Torsten: Ende einer Belagerung. Sarajevos War Childhood...
von Tobias Strahl | Okt. 13, 2022 | Journalistic Works
On the Bandstand Festival in Festspielhaus Hellerau in the city of Dresden (in German language). Bibliographical information: Strahl, Tobias: Alles, was Rang und Namen hat – Erstes Dresdner Bandstand-Musikfestival in Hellerau. In: Dresdner Neueste Nachrichten,...
von Tobias Strahl | Okt. 12, 2022 | Journalistic Works
On students from Serbia and Croatia, participating in a stundent’s congress in Zagreb, refelcting on European and recent Southeastern European history (in German language). Bibliographical information: Strahl, Tobias: “Europa ist ein Denkmal” –...
von Tobias Strahl | Okt. 12, 2022 | Journalistic Works
A review of the film festival Slobodna Zona in Belgrade, Serbia and its societal and political implications (in German language). Bibliographical information: Strahl, Tobias: Identität und Verwandlung. Das Belgerader Dokfilmfestival Slobodna Zona setzt in Serbien eher...
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